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Volume 13, Number 3

The International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine

Table of Contents

159 Morphological Investigations of the Anterior Leaflet and its Chordae Tendineae in Canine Mitral Valves
Takuma Aoki, Yoko Fujii, Hiroshi Sunahara, Keisuke Sugimoto, Yoshito Wakao

164 Serum Antibodies Against a Reactive Site of Equine Myelin Protein 2 Linked to Polyneuritis Equi Found in Horses Diagnosed with EPM
Siobhan P. Ellison, Tom Kennedy, Austin Li, Lark Schweiss

171 Use of a Biodegradable Magnesium Implant for Osseous Fixation in Four Cases
W.T. McCartney, E. Galvin, C. Cummins, C. Lally, B.J. Mac Donald

175 Neuritogenic Peptides Derived from Equine Myelin P2 Basic Protein Detect Circulating Antibodies in Ataxic Horses
Siobhan P Ellison, Tom J Kennedy, Austin Li

182 Performance of a Recombinant LipL32 Based Rapid In-clinic ELISA (SNAP® Lepto) for the Detection of Antibodies Against Leptospira in Dogs
KM Curtis, PC Foster, PS Smith, MP Monn, BA Stillman, R Chandrashekar, MR Lappin, RE Goldstein

190 Significance of Single and Double Map Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Precipitation Bands
Gilles R. G. Monif, J. Elliot Williams

194 Evaluation of SNAP® Lepto in the Diagnosis of Leptospirosis Infections in dogs: Twenty two Clinical Cases
S Winzelberg, SM Tasse, RE Goldstein, PS Chapman, AG Benedict, GD Mason, SJ Noble, KM Curtis, R Chandrashekar

199 Randomized Trial to Evaluate Two Dry Therapeutic Diets for Shelter Dogs with Acute Diarrhea
S.A. Wennogle, L.E.R Martin, F.J. Oleo-Popelka, H. Xu, C. Jean-Phillipe, M.R. Lappin


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ISSN# 1542-2666