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Volume 3, Number 1

The International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine

Editor's Note

The article entitled "Three-year Duration of Immunity for Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, and Parvovirus after Vaccination with a Multivalent Canine Vaccine by Gill et al in Volume IV, Number 2 of the journal contained the following verbiage: "The present study clearly confirms the 3-year duration of immunity for CDV, CAV2, and CPV fractions in a commercial multivalent modified-live virus vaccine." A representative from Intervet Inc has contacted the journal to point out that "The DuramuneAdult product does NOT have a 3-year DOI claim, contrary to the language in the article." In the interest of fairness, we are noting the Intervet comment in this space. We welcome your comments on this study.-The Editor.

Table of Contents

1. Infection Rates in Dogs Vaccinated and Not Vaccinated With an
OspA Borrelia burgdorferiVaccine in a Lyme Disease-Endemic Area
of Connecticut

Steven A. Levy,VMD, Kathy K. Clark, DVM, PhD, Larry T. Glickman,VMD, DrPH

6. Advantageous Use of Glucosamine Combined with S-Adenosylmethionine
in Veterinary Medicine: Preservation of Articular Cartilage in Joint

Louis Lippiello, PhD, Alex Prudhomme, BS

13. Acacia angustissimaIntoxication of Menz Lambs Requires Two

Dan L. Brown, PhD, Asfaw Yimegnuhal, MSc, Agnes Odenyo, PhD,
Greame McCrabb, PhD

20. Prevalence of Compulsive Behaviors in Formerly Feral Horses
Nicholas H. Dodman, BVMS, Jo Anne Normile, Nicole Cottam,MS,
Maria Guzman, MS, Louis Shuster, PhD

25. Seroprevalence Study of Newcastle Disease in Local Chickens in
Central Ethiopia

Serkalem Tadesse, DVM, Hagos Ashenafi, DVM, Zeleke Aschalew, DVM

30. Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma mycoidesSubspecies
mycoides Small Colony Bovine Biotype in Eastern Ethiopia

Teshale Sori,DVM,Aschalew Zeleke,DVM. Esayas Gelaye,DVM, Fikru Regassa,DVM

35. Evaluation of CHROMagar Salmonella Medium for the Isolation of
Salmonellafrom Animal Manure

Yogesh Chander, MSc, PhD, Kuldip Kumar,MSc, PhD, Satish C. Gupta, MSc, PhD, Sagar M. Goyal, MVSc, PhD

40. Isolation and Identification of Circulating Serotypes of African Horse
Sickness Virus in Ethiopia

Aschalew Zeleke,DVM,Teshale Sori,DVM, Keith Powel, BVM, Feseha Gebre-Ab,DVM,
Bojia Endebu, DVM

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ISSN# 1542-2666